Where can I find a DOI number for an article?
Last updated: Jan 14, 2025     Views: 4017

How to find a DOI

When you find an article in a library database, the DOI number will usually be included with the article's metadata or descriptive information, if one is available. (Not every article has a DOI, but participation in the DOI system is increasing, so the more recent the article, the more likely you will find a DOI.)

For example, in Academic Search Premier, the DOI appears toward the end of the description: after the title, author/s, source, subject terms, abstract, etc. You may have to scroll down to find it!
Screencapture of article result in database with the label DOI and a complex number highlighted. It appears almost at the end of the record, after the fields mentioned and directly following the SSN.

The exact location of the DOI varies by database. In some databases, you may not find a DOI in the description, but can locate it by downloading the PDF of the article:
Screenshot of PDF shows DOI listed at top of page, after abbreviated journal title and before article title and authors.

If the DOI does not appear in the database or PDF, a third option is to search the web. You may be able to locate the article on the journal's website; even if the article is behind a paywall, its DOI may be public.


If no DOI is available, the MLA Handbook recommends including the permalink (or stable URL) to the database record. In Academic Search Premier, select the "Permalink" option from the Tools menu, then copy the URL that displays:
Screencapture of database. Permalink tool appears at bottom of tools list, then URL labeled Permalink appears in text box at top of article.


Permalinks are not as reliable as DOIs in the long run, which is why both MLA and APA citation styles now favor DOI numbers. In the absence of a DOI, APA style guidance differs somewhat from MLA; see the link below.

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