How do I access the online library when I'm at home?
Last updated: Nov 23, 2022     Views: 1416

Truxal Library has a vast collection of online resources that you can access from off-campus.

  • Search the library catalog for ebooks and streaming videos.
  • Use our databases to access thousands of full-text articles, books, and multimedia items.
  • Explore our library guides to help you find the best materials for your subject or field of study.

When you access any of the library's online resources from off-campus, you'll be prompted to log in. Select "Log in with MyAACC" to use your AACC username and current password. If you don't have an active MyAACC account, you can enter the barcode from your Truxal library card to log in.

Once you've logged in for a session, you'll typically be able to switch between databases without re-entering your information. If you are blocked from accessing a resource and do not receive an AACC login prompt, go back to the catalog or databases page linked above and attempt your search again. (Database links found through web searches like Google generally won't know to route you through our authentication system.)

See our guide for distance learners for more information on accessing online resources.

(Exception: Off-campus access to Westlaw, a database of legal resources, is not provided due to costs and licensing restrictions. Full access to Westlaw is available from all AACC campuses.)