Does Truxal Library have DVDs?
Last updated: Jul 25, 2024     Views: 79

Truxal Library's collection includes DVDs, streaming videos, and other audiovisual materials to support the college community's educational needs.

There are two main ways to find videos from the library catalog.

  1. Search the catalog with your keywords, then limit your results by content type.
    • Use the "Item Type" filter under "Limit Search Results" to select the formats you want to see.
      Item Type limiters with checkboxes and numbers of results; streaming video and DVD are selected.
    • You can click on a linked option to apply a single limiter, or use the checkboxes to select multiple formats then press the "Include" button.
  2. Use the Advanced Search option of the catalog.
    • Enter your keywords, then select the formats you want. Press "Advanced Search" to run the search.
      Advanced search for Kurosawa with checklist of formats, including Audio, Book, and others; Video (all) is selected.
    • For videos:
      • Video (All) will find video content in all formats
      • Video - DVD will find DVDs
      • Video - Streaming (online) will find digital videos that may be viewed online. If you're off campus, you'll be prompted to log in with your MyAACC credentials or library card number for access.

Only AACC faculty and staff may take DVDs and VHS tapes outside the library; students and all other borrowers must use the items inside the building. If you wish to watch a DVD in the library, visit the Circulation Desk to borrow an external DVD drive.

(The Truxal Library does not have a subscription to Kanopy. Find information about accessing Kanopy from your public library, such as Anne Arundel County Public Library.)