How many ILL requests may be submitted at one time?
Last updated: Jul 19, 2018     Views: 49

If you have a large number of requests to submit, you may find it more useful to prioritize them, then submit them over a period of time, based on degree of importance or relevance.  Since material borrowed from other libraries is only available for a limited amount of time, receiving it over a longer time frame rather than all at once, may allow you more time to work with each item.

Additionally, to avoid delays in processing your requests:

  • paper forms must be written legibly, and both paper and electronic forms must be filled out completely
  • avoid using abbreviations as they often slow down the processing of your request
  • include the source of the citation (i.e. Academic Search Premier, or PsycARTICLES) in case additional information is needed to fill the request

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