How can I access Business Week, Forbes, Fortune, and Wall Street Journal through the AACC Library databases?
Last updated: Aug 09, 2023     Views: 1783

Often students in a business class are asked to look for articles from specific publications. This FAQ points out how to find some of the most commonly requested publications. 

  • Business articles from Business Week (also known as Bloomberg Businessweek), ForbesFortune, or Harvard Business Review can be found using the Business Source Premier database.
  • Articles from the Wall Street Journal can be found in our National Newspaper collection. 
  • Articles from MIT Sloan Management Review and Business Case Journal can be found in our Business Insights Global database.

All of these databases and see several other business databases, are available in our Research Guide to Business.

Each of these databases contain other publications, but there is a way to limit your searching to particular resources in each of them.

For example, in the Business Source Premier database, there is a "Search Options" box underneath the search field. One section of this box is called "Limit your results." Within this section you can enter the name of a particular publication, such as Forbes. 

Publication limiter with "Forbes" entered


In the National Newspaper database, choose advanced search and enter Wall Street Journal in a search box and change the search field to "Publication title - PUB." 

Advanced search with "Wall street journal" in "publication title - PUB" field

In the Business Insights Global database, choose advanced search and enter the name of the publication and change the search field to "Publication title."

Advanced Search Terms "MIT Sloan Management Review" in Field Publication Title


Note that each of these databases have tools that will allow you to limit to recent years and sort results so that most recent results come first. You may also add additional keywords to these searches in order to narrow the results to articles on certain topics.

If you are not on campus, you will be prompted to log in with your MyAACC account or Truxal library card number to access databases. Once you have signed in, you should be able to move from one database to another for the duration of your online session.

If you have any questions, please reach out for help!