How do I renew my books online? (With screenshots)
Last updated: May 22, 2023     Views: 326

  1. Log into your account via the "My Account" link in the library catalog; use your library barcode number and password
    Catalog login form requesting Barcode and Password (default is changeme).
    • Use the password changeme the first time you log in, then set up your own from the "My Account" page.
    • If you've forgotten your password, use the "Forgot My Password" link or contact the Circulation Desk to have it reset.
  2. Select the "Checkouts" tab.
    My Account screen with tab menu including Checkouts.
  3. You'll see a list of your borrowed items and their due dates. Check the box next to any book you'd like to renew, then press the "Renew" button.
    List of charges (borrowed items) in user account page of library catalog. One item is listed with checkbox selected.
  4. Confirm that you wish to renew the books.
    Dialog box prompts user Renew Selected Items? with Yes and No buttons.
  5. If the book is successfully renewed, the page will reload and display a confirmation message plus your new due date.

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