The library subscribes to dozens of databases, so if you're looking for a particular journal, magazine, or newspaper, try searching by title across all of our databases.
For instance, to find the Journal of Marketing, you can simply search for that title:
The results page will link to that periodical where it's found in any database:
Holdings for Journal of Marketing appear in two different databases, Business Source Premier and JSTOR. As the date range indicates, only Business Source Premier contains the latest issues ("to present"), so if you need recent articles, choose that result. The first link will take you to a page inside of the database from which you can browse by issue date or search all issues by keyword (e.g., article title).
If you're off campus, you'll be prompted to log in with your library card number when you select the database link.
Note that these search results contain other periodicals, such as Journal of Marketing Communications. The default search type is Title begins with, which means you'll see all periodical titles that begin with the keywords you used. Other ways to search are:
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