How do I use a computer in a library study room?
Last updated: Jan 14, 2025     Views: 496

In a group study room in the library, you may use the desktop PC in the room or connect your own device to the wall monitor. To use the PC (or any other public computer in the library), log on with your MyAACC username and password or visit one of the service desks to get that day's generic login.

Troubleshooting: monitor shows "No signal" or is blank

Check the following:

  1. Is the computer awake?
    • The display will show "No signal" when the computer is asleep.
    • Touch the mouse or keyboard to wake it up.
  2. Is the PC on?
    • Look for the computer mounted between the monitor and the wall.
    • If the round power button is unlit, press the button to turn the computer on.
      PC unit mounted on wall behind monitor with circular power button indicated; button is illuminated.
      • Allow up to 90 seconds for the computer to boot and the display to appear on the monitor.
  3. Is the monitor on?
    • If the screen is completely blank, the monitor is probably off.
    • Use the power button on the remote control to turn the monitor on.
      Standard television remote control with round Power On button in top left corner.
      • If you don't see the remote, check behind the monitor. It may be attached to the back with Velcro. (Please do not take a remote from another study room.)
  4. Is the input set to PC?
    • Make sure the monitor is displaying the correct input.
    • Use the button panel on the wall to select "PC" (it should be lit up).
      Wall panel shows buttons for On (top-left) and PC (third down on left), which should both be on to use the computer. Use HDMI button (bottom'left) only if connecting a different device via HDMI cable.
    • You can also use the remote control to change the "Input" source.
  5. Contact the circulation desk if none of the above resolve the problem.
    • Visit the desk on the second floor or call 410-777-2238. Please make note of the room number.

How do I use my own device with the monitor?

  1. Plug your device into the HDMI port on the wall next to the button panel.
    • Cables are available for checkout at the circulation desk with a library card or another form of photo ID.
  2. Switch input to HDMI using wall panel.
    • As a courtesy, please switch the input back to PC before you leave.

(Some devices may connect via USB instead of HDMI. You may need to cycle through different inputs using the unlabeled wall button or the remote control. Please contact the circulation desk if you need any assistance.)

Other common concerns

  • I can't log in with my MyAACC username and password.
    • See information on password management or contact the Technical Service Desk at 410-777-4357 for further assistance.
    • For a one-day generic login, visit the reference desk (first floor) or circulation desk (second floor).
  • I don't know where my print jobs are going.
    • On the second floor, look for the two printers located by the circulation desk.
    • On the third floor, look for the printer right next to the stairs.
  • I need an accessory for my class meeting.
    • Borrow webcams or headphones from the circulation desk (second floor).
      • Be sure to bring your library card or a valid form of photo ID (college ID, driver's license, etc.).
  • I need to watch a DVD.
    • Borrow an auxiliary DVD drive and a cable to connect it to a study room monitor from the circulation desk (second floor).
      • Be sure to bring your library card or a valid form of photo ID (college ID, driver's license, etc.).
  • I don't know how to connect to the internet.

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