Can I renew my books?
Last updated: Oct 06, 2022     Views: 817

Yes, you may renew books as long as you do not owe library fines totaling $6 or more and the books have not been requested by another borrower. AACC students may renew a book up to 4 times; all other borrowers may renew books twice.

Exceptions: (1) Reserve textbooks cannot be renewed. (2) To inquire about renewing an interlibrary loan, contact the ILL department at 410-777-2536 or

How to renew books

Online via library catalog

  1. Log into your account in the library catalog with your library barcode number and password
    • Use the password CHANGEME the first time you log in, then set up your own via the "My Account" link.
    • If you've forgotten your password, use the "Forgot My Password" link to reset it; look for the reset message in your MyAACC email. If you don't receive the email or don't have an email account on your library record, contact the Circulation Desk to reset your password.
  2. Go to "My Account" via the link in the top menu
  3. Select the "Checkouts" tab to see a list of your borrowed items and their due dates.
  4. Check the box next to any book you'd like to renew, then press the "Renew" button.
  5. Select "Yes" to confirm your renewal request.
  6. If the book is successfully renewed, you'll see a confirmation message.
    • If the renewal is unsuccessful, you must return the book by the due date or it will be considered overdue.

(See also: online renewal steps with screenshots.)

In person, by phone, or by email

To request renewal of books, you may:

  • Visit the Circulation Desk on the second floor of the library. Please bring your AACC photo ID or Truxal Library card. You are not required to bring the books you wish to renew.
  • Call the Circulation Desk at 410-777-2238.
    • If you leave a voicemail, please clearly state or spell your name and include a phone number where you can be reached.
  • Email from your AACC email address and specify which books you'd like to renew. You'll receive a reply confirming your request.
    • Sorry, we cannot renew by email for community patrons. Please visit or call the Circulation Desk.

Due date cards

The library provides stamped cards as a reminder of your due date. Note that if you renew online, by phone, or by email, the due date card in the book will not reflect the new due date. Please be sure to log into your library account or otherwise keep track of updated due dates, as the Circulation Desk will not waive overdue fines simply because the due date on the card is no longer in effect.

Other materials

Renewal policies and procedures vary for other types of materials. Contact the Circulation Desk.

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