My professor told me to use the library database for my assignment. What is that?
Last updated: Aug 09, 2023     Views: 260

It depends! The library has over 50 databases in its collection. To figure out which database you need, you'll need to consider what type of information is needed for your assignment. 

Do you need background information to help developing a topic? If so, we suggest trying out databases like Credo and Gale Virtual Reference Library. These databases include brief Wikipedia-like articles, but they are from reliable sources that you can cite with confidence. Both of these resources can be found on our A to Z database list.

Are you looking for more in-depth information that comes from books or ebooks? Then start with the library catalog, a database that lists all of of books that we purchase for the library. 

Do you need journal or magazine articles? We have lots of options for finding articles. Two great overall databases to try are Academic Onefile and Academic Search Premier. These databases include a combination of scholarly/peer-reviewed and popular resources. They include features that allow you to easily sort results by type. Both of these can also be found on our A to Z database list.

These suggestions apply to any topic, but if you want to see more, browse our research guides by subject to explore all of the databases that the library offers. You can also contact us for recommendations! 


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